
About LPA

The current LPA Board is composed of:

  • Gaby Daaboul, Acting Chairman and Head of Legal Affairs and Strategic Planning Departments
  • Wissam Zahabi, Head of Economics & Finance and QHSE Departments
  • Wissam Chbat, Head of Geology & Geophysics and Technical & Engineering Departments 


The LPA is formed of six departments as described below.

  • Strategic Planning Department

    This unit is responsible for the overall planning and programming, such as:

    • Develop plans for exploration in areas designated for petroleum operations.
    • Conduct economic and financial studies related to exploration, extraction and production as well as other related and complementary activities.
    • Prepare studies on maximizing the benefit to the state of the petroleum activities through simulating the state's full share in the exploration and production contracts and the optimal timing of its participation in petroleum activities.
    • Propose provisions for the modernization and development of work in the unit.

  • Technical and Engineering Department

    This unit undertakes all technical matters relating to petroleum activities, such as, for example:

    • Study and evaluation of applications from the technical and engineering point of view.
    • Study and valuation of petroleum resources in general and potential reserves in particular.
    • Study of plans for development and production as well as plans for the development and operation of facilities submitted by right holders.
    • Follow-up and control of petroleum operations. Follow-up on technical and engineering matters related to reservoir management with a view to improving production, recovery and the field’s life time.
    • Evaluation and follow-up on requests and inquiries from operators or rights-holders regarding technical and engineering matters. Follow up international development on successful experiences in new technologies and operational studies on the introduction of technology used in the petroleum activities and monitor the extent to which the operators of those techniques.
    • Follow-up on compliance with exploration and production contracts from the technical point of view.
    • Follow- up on international developments and successful experiences in modern technology and the preparation of studies on introducing acknowledged technology in petroleum activities as well as monitoring the extent to which operators employ these techniques.
    • The design, implementation and development of a digital database for the storage, extraction and interpretation of data and related interpretations regarding development and production to fill the internal needs of the PA and at the same time enable it to receive and store data from operators and right -holders as well as facilitate data exchange among entities legally authorized to receive them. The task must be implemented so as to facilitate the integration of the databases among the units of the PA.
    • Propose measures for the modernization and development of work in the unit.

  • Geology and Geophysics Department

    This unit takes over all tasks relating to exploration and the evaluation of petroleum resources, including geological and geophysical aspects in particular:

    • Managing the data room and keeping data on the petroleum activities.
    • Making available surveys data and promoting the areas falling within the marine waters of Lebanon.
    • Studying and evaluating applications made by applicants to licenses from a geological and geophysical point of view.
    • Contributing to the study of requests and queries made by operators or rights holders from a geological and geophysical point of view.
    • Saving physical and digital geological data and samples resulting from petroleum activities.
    • Participating in the study of development and production plans submitted by right-holders.
    • Following-up developments and internationally successful practices in new methods for exploration and preparing studies on how to introduce such methods in petroleum operations as well as monitoring the extent operators are practicing such techniques.
    • Design, implementation and development of a digital data base for the storage, retrieval and interpretation of data and interpretations related to exploration and petroleum so as to satisfy the PA's internal needs as well as enable the PA to receive and store data from operators and right-holders and to promote or sell the data after the expiration of the confidentiality period of the data. The task must be implemented so as to facilitate the integration of the data bases among the units of the PA.
    • Proposing measures for the modernization and development of work in the unit.

  • Legal Affairs Department

    This unit is responsible for undertaking all legal matters and issues related to licensing and exploration and production agreements, including for example:

    • Monitor the compliance rights-holders’ and operators’ compliance with the provisions of the Petroleum Resources Act in marine waters and related decrees as well as compliance with exploration and production agreements and regulatory decisions issued by the Minister.
    • Supervise the management of the petroleum register.
    • Follow-up on licensing and the processes leading to the issue of licenses and their entry into the petroleum register.
    • Prepare legal studies, draft laws and decrees in order to meet the needs of Sector and modernize the legal framework.
    • Check and follow-up requests and inquiries from operators or right-holders from a legal point of view.
    • Prepare files related to conflicts and issues related to the PA as well as follow-up processes of settlement and arbitration.
    • Make recommendations and legal opinions for the other units and the Board with regard to the powers of the PA in accordance with current legislation in effect.
    • Prepare versions of contracts and agreements that are used in negotiations with contractors and re-considered as needed.

  • Economics and Financial Department

    This unit is responsible for economic affairs related to petroleum resources, including, for example:

    • Study applications submitted by applicants to licenses from the economic and financial viewpoints.
    • Audit and follow-up requests and inquiries from operators or rights-holders from economic and financial viewpoints.
    • Conduct economic and financial research and studies related to the petroleum sector and the possibilities for its development.
    • Propose policies relating to the State’s Total Government Take upon launching licensing rounds.
    • Manage accounting and administrative systems and simulate different exploration and production scenarios.
    • Assess the impact of developments in the global markets for petroleum products on petroleum activities.
    • Propose policies for the sale or exploitation of produced petroleum.
    • Monitor the compliance of right -holders and contractors with the accounting rules in force relating to petroleum activities.
    • Monitoring and calculating Cost Petroleum and Profit Petroleum and cash flows attributable to right-holders.
    • Audit on Royalty in cooperation with the Technical Affairs and Engineering Unit as afr as the measurements of production is concerned.
    • Calculate the fees related to the region and ensure the validity of payments by the lright-holders. Also review the level of such fees in accordance with the respective decrees.
    • Approve the plans for decommissioning as well as monitor the saving of provisions earmarked for the dismantling and removal of installations upon decommissioning.
    • The Unit shall seek to coordinate its work with the Ministry of Finance and to provide the necessary assistance in accordance with the current agreement with the ministry.
    • Propose measures for the modernization and development of work in the unit.

  • Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Department

    This unit is responsible for all matters relating to the quality of the systems operators and the extent of their adherence to the conditions of health and safety conditions and the environment and in particular:

    • Study applications by applicants to licenses from the point of view of the quality of performance in operations: health, safety and the environmental protection.
    • Study and follow-up of requests and inquiries from operators or rights-holders with respect to quality of operations; health; safety and the environmental protection.
    • Study plans related to the quality of performance, health, safety, environmental protection and contingency plans.
    • Monitor the readiness of operators to meet accidents and emergency.
    • Receive reports on accidents and incidents from operators and take the necessary measures to deter such events both in the near and long term.
    • Study the extent and boundaries of safety zones.
    • Coordinate with the competent authorities in aspects related to environmental matters.
    • Monitor the compliance by operators with regulations on safety, systems for workers protection, health and the environment.
    • Review studies on environmental impact assessments in coordination with the relevant authorities.
    • Study the impact of operations on the environment, occupational health and safety, local communities and the global environment.
    • Monitor facilities and audit their performance to ensure compliance of petroleum operations with environmental as well as health and safety standards.
    • Propose measures for the modernization and development of work in the unit.

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